This is Hedgey.
Token infrastructure for onchain teams.
About Hedgey
We are Hedgey. We help DAOs and onchain orgs distribute tokens to their team, contributors, investors, and community using onchain, programmatic token releases. Our core tools combine onchain token streams and periodic release schedules along with administrative controls like revocability and optional governance rights to give teams the exact tools they need to distribute and automate token releases to key recipients in a secure and trustless way. We've worked with teams like Arbitrum DAO, Celo, Gitcoin, Gnosis, Shapeshift, Index Coop, Collabland, and many more to give onchain teams simple tools to run their organizations effectively in less time with less work. Our core tools are available as free public goods on our self-service platform optimized for the types of issuers and recipients our products were built for.
Our goal is to give every onchain team the core tools they need to launch, grow, and prosper.
Our Core Products (Onchain)
Token Vesting
Investor lockups
Automated Token grant payouts
Token Streams
Community token drops (unlocked or streaming)
Periodic token distributions
General token time-locks
As you explore our docs, dive into the products, tell us what you think, and feel free to set up a call to get a walk through.
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