โฐCreating Time Locks

In this guide, we will show you how to create a time lock. For your recipients' view, feel free to read through the For Recipients section.

For real-time support, please feel free to reach out on our dedicated Telegram support channel.

Step 1: Visit Hedgey's App, connect your wallet and select the network you will be using.

NOTE: For Safe App users click "View on Safe" on the app to use Hedgey through your Safe App.

Step 2: Now that you are connected, click the "Create Time Lock" button.

Step 3: Create your time lock

  • Select your token from the dropdown or add the contract address

  • Select your Unlock frequency: linear, periodic or single

  • Select your unlock strategy: linear or periodic (monthly, yearly or custom)

  • If you want the lock to be non-transferable, simply turn off the toggle.

  • For linear unlock frequency choose a lockup period (years/months). Add a cliff duration or add "0" for no cliff.

  • To allow transfer of plans to another wallet, leave the Allow transfer toggle on.

  • For periodic unlock frequency choose an unlock period schedule and a lockup period. Add a cliff duration or add "0" for no cliff.

Last updated