Hedgey <> Snapshot strategy
Overview of setting up the Hedgey Delegate Snapshot Strategy
Last updated
Overview of setting up the Hedgey Delegate Snapshot Strategy
Last updated
Additional resources for the repository code on snapshot itself can be found here: https://github.com/snapshot-labs/snapshot-strategies/tree/master/src/strategies/hedgey-delegate
The Snapshot strategies calls a function on the Hedgey Smart Contract called "DelegatedBalances", with inputs of the Delegatee and the address of the Token. This returns all of the tokens across all vesting plans that have been delegated to the wallet of the user connected.
To Setup Up:
Navigate to your Snapshot Strategy Settings and Add new Strategy
Search for and select 'hedgey-delegate' strategy
Choose the network you are supporting the vesting and lockups on
Input the Symbol and ERC20 Contract Address of your're token
Input the Decimals of your token (typically 18)
Input your 'weight' of the voting, by default it can be 1 or above or below. This will adjust the voting power, so inputting 0.75 will assign a 75% voting power to the vesting and locked tokens, meaning they will not have as much voting as a 1. input of 2 would multiply the voting power by double.
Finally where it asks for Hedgey Contract Addresses, here you input the vesting and lockup plan contract addresses, which can be found below. For additional help knowing which to use, please reach out to the support group.
Note: When inputting the contract addresses, do not use a comma, just separate the addresses by a new line by pressing enter
Hedgey Contract addresses to add for any mainnet EVM network:
Token Vesting Plans
Token Lockup Plans