Locking your team tokens and LP tokens on Hedgey using Hedgey Treasury Locks (for ShimmerSea)
We've created these pages to assist Shimmer Sea issuers create simple lockups for their team and LP tokens using the Hedgey treasury lockups product. We hope you will find these pages helpful. If after reading them you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Key features of the Treasury Lockups app:
Lockups can be single date unlocks, streaming unlocks, or unlock periodically (every week/month)
Each lockup generates a public dashboard that easily shares your lockups
Lockups are compatible with erc20 tokens on Shimmer and standard LP tokens.
Custom start dates, schedules, and optional cliff dates.
Tokens are locked in Hedgey contracts and generate a unique erc721 to the recipient which acts as the access key to claim tokens from the lockup on the created release schedule.
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GitHub code, audit, and technical documentation found here
Last updated